Noah Peterman, Age 2 1/2, Charcoal, Memphis, TN

Noah Peterman, Age 2 1/2, Charcoal, Memphis, TN

My collector Ale says her biggest fear as a mom is not having any control over her kids' lives.

Ale is the mom of two precious boys, Sam and Noah.

"I love them so much and I fear that something bad is going to happen to them. I often fear that they are going to get a terrible sickness.  Or that someone is going to hurt them," she says. 

"So many wrong things going on with our world that my source of worry can really be an endless battle."

So how does Ale keep her worries at bay?

"Prayer is really the only way that I can deal with all my fears. It is nice to know that God has absolute control of my boys' life," says Ale.


Sam Peterman, Age 2 1/2, Charcoal, Memphis, TN

Sam Peterman, Age 2 1/2, Charcoal, Memphis, TN

My other collector, Lauren, says the biggest lesson she's learned as a mom is that her kids are going to be who God means for them to be, not matter what you want them to be.

So in all areas of their children's lives, these moms have learned that God is the one in control. 

Many of the moms I work with say they just couldn't be a mom without their faith. It's about learning to trust God every day in the lives of their kids.

It's what saves their sanity – knowing there is a God who loves their children even more than they do. 

After all, He's the one who gave them to you:)
