Kate Bradley Fine Art

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What do Memphis' wealthiest and the poorest kids have in common?

Streets Ministries is a place where you can hang out, have fun, and learn about the love of Christ. For many kids in Memphis, it's a place to call home. I've had the privilege of being a mentor to fourteen-year-old Jasmine at Streets for the past two years. I get to witness first-hand the impact they are making on the lives of children in Memphis. Because I've been so inspired by their work, I wanted to use my art to further their mission.

Thus, Faces of Streets was born.

Faces of Streets is a series of ten charcoal portraits of Streets kids I'm doing for the fundraiser this spring. The portraits will be presented alongside the story of each child and will be donated to the families of the children.


charcoal portraits of children


I believe that so many of the problems in our world are caused because kids are growing up in broken families. Jasmine, for instance, lives alone with her mom and has virtually no relationship with her dad. Forget music lessons and play-dates, sometimes it's a struggle for them just to keep the lights on. Without Streets, Jasmine and kids like her won't have the support and stability they need to reach their full potential.

I'm fortunate to help families who provide wonderful homes for their kids. The children I paint know they are unconditionally loved and valued.

I want these kids to have the same experience of being honored in a work of art and to know their lives matter, every bit as much as the lives of the kids I'm commissioned to paint. I want to inspire people to get involved, because unless we step in and help, nothing will change. These kids need us.